Patient Education
Patient Education
Welcome to our Patient Education section, your go-to resource for all things related to skin health. Here, we provide informative articles and insights to help you better understand and manage various dermatological conditions. Stay tuned for monthly blog updates covering a range of skin concerns, empowering you to make informed decisions about your skincare journey.

Dermatology Resources
Below are links to dermatological terms, advice, articles and information. Please note that these links will direct you to other sites that Island Dermatology does not maintain.
Can I Prevent Pattern Alopecia from Getting Worse?
When faced with hair loss or alopecia areata, it can be tough to know what to do if you want to mitigate your hair loss. Is it possible to prevent alopecia...
Your Diet and Acne: What You Should Know
While many strides have been made for acne treatment, sometimes you could be contributing to your acne without even knowing. Here's some useful information...
What to Expect from Your Skin When You’re Expecting
When you're expecting a child, it can be an exciting period of your life. Pregnancy comes with changes big and small, not excluding your skin. But what can...
The Top 4 Aesthetic Treatments for Men
If you're a man and you're uncomfortable in your skin, there are plenty of aesthetic dermatology treatments that can help you. If you're considering aesthetic...
Are You Too Young to Start an Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine?
Wrinkle reducing treatments are growing more and more popular every day. But is there such a thing as being too young for anti-aging skincare treatments? Read...
Eye of the Beholder: 3 Ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles
Dark circles can be caused by a number of things. No matter what causes your dark circles, if you want to get rid of them, we have a few common treatments...
Blurring Stretch Marks with Lasers
Laser therapy has a wide range of skin care applications, but one that you might not have considered is stretch marks treatment. If you want to learn more...
3 Tips for Insurance Referrals for Your Dermatology Visit
When you're not sure what to do about your skin issues, your primary care physician (PCP) may refer you to a dermatology practice. If this is your first time...
Cosmetic Dermatology: How to Prepare for Your First Chemical Peel
Whether you're looking for a wrinkle treatment or you need some relief from a minor acne flare-up, a chemical peel could be the treatment you're looking for....
Get Laser Hair Removal and Say Goodbye to Shaving this Summer!
Laser Hair Removal for Your Summer Given the choice between shaving every day or paying for waxing services every three weeks, most people would choose...
Masterful Makeup Application Thanks to Dermaplaning
How Dermaplaning Helps Makeup Application Makeup is a form of art and expression for countless people around the world. If you're one of them, odds are you're...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Successful Treatment Through Early Detection
Successful Treatment Can Come from Early Detection Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Fortunately, early detection and skin cancer...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: What 3 Things to Look for When Checking for Skin Cancer
What You Should Look for When Looking for Skin Cancer? May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and with skin cancer being the most common type of cancer, it pays...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: The Top Tips for Protecting Your Skin
The Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer A skin cancer diagnosis is the last thing you want when you see your dermatologist. Since May is Skin...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: What Are the Treatment Options?
What You Can Do About Skin Cancer Treatment Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States. While it pays to know the early signs of...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Looking at the Early Stages of Skin Cancer
A Look at the Early Stages of Skin Cancer When skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, it pays to know how to examine yourself...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: What Can Happen If Your Skin Cancer Goes Untreated?
What to Expect with Untreated Skin Cancer Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. With treatment, most skin cancer is not...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Is That Spot Cancerous? How to Tell
Determining if a Spot Is Cancerous When you're performing a self-exam to look for early signs of skin cancer it pays to know what they look like. Here are a...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Knowing Your Risk Factors
Look Out for These Skin Cancer Risks Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, which means it's important to understand what risk factors...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Ultraviolet Radiation and Your Skin
Understanding Ultraviolet Radiation Treatment Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, and it has been directly linked to ultraviolet...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: A Guide to the Best New Sunscreen Products on the Market
Find the Best Sunscreen for Summer Spending time in the sun can be extremely relaxing, but not at the cost of sun damage to your skin. Let's review a few of...