Patient Education
Patient Education
Welcome to our Patient Education section, your go-to resource for all things related to skin health. Here, we provide informative articles and insights to help you better understand and manage various dermatological conditions. Stay tuned for monthly blog updates covering a range of skin concerns, empowering you to make informed decisions about your skincare journey.

Dermatology Resources
Below are links to dermatological terms, advice, articles and information. Please note that these links will direct you to other sites that Island Dermatology does not maintain.
5 Common Signs of the Shingles Virus
Caused by the same viral infection that causes chicken pox (herpes zoster), shingles afflicts almost 1 million people in the U.S. every year. How can you know...
Alopecia: What to Do About Excessive Hair Loss
As we get older, it’s not uncommon to lose some of our hair. Indeed, according to the American Hair Loss Association, approximately two-thirds of U.S. men...
How to Soothe Heat Rash for Bed Rest Patients
Unless we’re relaxing in a sauna, few of us enjoy sweating. That said, perspiration is pivotal to maintaining our body’s internal temperature. When things get...
Should I Be Worried About My Skin Tags?
Several skin conditions can make it difficult to achieve the clear, smooth skin so many of us desire. No matter how well you care for your skin, you might...
Understanding Nail Health and Common Nail Problems
Have you ever looked at your fingernails or toenails and wondered, “What are these things for, anyway?” It’s a fair question. Nails are evolutionary holdovers...
Eczema: Exploring Common Causes & Treatments
Several skin conditions lead to red, dry, itchy skin, but more often than not, the culprit is eczema. Eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is among the most common...
How Mohs Micrographic Surgery Is Changing Lives
Medical technology has improved exponentially over the past century. From the beginning of the 20th century to today, we’ve seen the creation of the...
Psoriatic Arthritis: Understanding the Underlying Causes
The health of our skin and bones are often closely related. Indeed, a condition that affects your skin might cause problems with your bones, and vice...
Acne Scarring: Finding the Best Remedies
Fighting acne can feel like an uphill battle. To make matters worse, some blemishes leave behind scars long after they’re gone. Acne scars often look like...
Moles vs Skin Cancer: Answering Your Pressing Questions
Most moles are perfectly normal, even if you do find them a bit unsightly. Sometimes, however, a mole might be a dangerous form of skin cancer called...
Boils: When a Bump Is Something More
Whether you’ve had a boil in the past or you’re facing your first, it’s never a bad idea to brush up on what exactly they are. Understanding how they’re...
Rosacea: Common Causes and Treatments
Rosacea is a fairly common skin condition that often affects middle-aged women with light complexions. Whether you’re experiencing rosacea symptoms for the...
How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Veins
Varicose veins are a common pregnancy-related skin condition. If you are expecting and have noticed varicose veins, your dermatologist can help you find a...
The Many Benefits of Cosmetic Acne Treatments
Acne is a common, yet frustrating skin condition that almost everyone has some experience with. If you’re sick of performing an acne cover-up every morning,...
5 Dermatologist-Recommended New Year’s Resolutions
The new year is an exciting time. We gather with family and friends we hold dear to reminisce about 2019 and look forward to 2020. If you’re still deciding...
Treating Eczema in Babies and Children
Your children’s health is your priority. When they’re uncomfortable or sick, your focus is on helping them get better. If they’ve been scratching itchy skin,...
You Can Reduce Wrinkles with These Skin Therapies from Your Dermatologist
Wrinkles might be a natural part of the aging process, but that doesn't mean you have to force yourself to live with them forever. Wrinkle reducing...
Types of Dermatitis: Symptoms and Treatment to Relieve Eczema
Eczema can be irritating to live with, to say the least. But how do you know if you have it? And if you do, then how can it be treated? We'll answer those...
Why Laser Hair Removal Works Better Than Waxing and Shaving
Given the choice between shaving every day or paying for waxing services every three weeks, most people would choose neither. Fortunately, laser hair removal...
You Can Treat Acne Without Scarring: Here’s How
Acne scarring can plague people from adolescence all the way through adulthood. Fortunately, many strides have been made for acne treatment that make it...
What to Expect from Your Preventive Skin Cancer Screening
Getting a skin cancer diagnosis can be scary, but that's why preventive screenings are so important. Here's what you can expect from your preventive skin...