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Post Procedure Instructions

Below are some post op resources to aid in recovery after your procedure.

Skin Biopsy

Skin Biopsy is the removal of any growth on the skin. The sample is processed and evaluated by a doctor under the microscope. Your dermatologist will then review the microscopic findings and coordinate treatment for your condition.


    • Remove bandage tomorrow morning
    • Gently wash with soap and water ( ok to shower)
    • Apply antibiotic ointment (Bacitracin, Polysporin, Neosporin, Vaseline, Aquaphor) followed by a band-aid daily until a scab forms or stitches are removed
    • Normal wound healing includes a yellow discoloration in the center of the wound with a surrounding red ring
    • Call our office if signs or infections occur (redness / pus /pain/ fever)
    • If you haven’t received a call regarding your biopsy results within 3 weeks; please call our office


Cryosurgery is the treatment of lesions with the application of a cold substance, liquid nitrogen, to destroy and remove the lesion(s). After this treatment there may be some burning sensation or pain that can last up to 24 hours. The discomfort can be relieved with extra strength Tylenol or similar pain relief medication.

• Within 24-48 hours a blister may form. You may pierce a small hole in the blister but do not remove the top of the blister. You may wash gently with soap and water.

• This procedure may rarely leave a permanent mark (dark or light) or possible leave a permanent scar. Please do not pick at the blister(s) or the scab as this may increase risk of leaving a permanent mark or scar.

• Call our office if signs of infection occur or if you have any questions. o Redness / Swelling / Increased pain / Yellow discharge.


Remove pressure bandage tomorrow (24 hours)

  • Gently wash with soap and water (showering is ok)
  • Apply antibiotic ointment (Bacitracin, Polysporin, Vaseline, Aquaphor) followed by a band-aid daily until sutures are removed
  • In case of bleeding
    • Place firm pressure on wound for 20 min & not a second less
    • If bleeding continues please call our office o Avoid alcohol consumption for 5 days after to minimize bleeding
  • Take Tylenol for pain
    • Chance of bleeding may be increased by ibuprofen-like products, Asprin
  • Call our office if signs of infection occur
    • Redness/ Swelling / Increased Pain / Yellow Discharge / fever
  • No heavy lifting for two weeks after the procedure o If on extremity, keep elevated as much as possible the first few days
  • Remember to take oral antibiotics as directed if prescribed
  • Return for removal of sutures placed as instructed by your physician

If you have any questions call us at:

  • Island Dermatology (Newport Beach): 949-720-1170
  • Santa Ana Dermatology: 949-720-1170
  • Advanced Dermatology (Glendora): 626-914-3675
  • Dermatology Associates of Downey: 562-923-3001
  • Desert Dermatology (Hesperia): 760-951-7762