Cosmetic Dermatology: How Long to Wait Between Dermal Filler Treatments
Wrinkles might be a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to live with them forever. If you choose to treat your wrinkles with dermal fillers, here’s what you need to know about spacing out your sessions.
Decide What Look You Want
The first step in judging how long you need to wait between sessions for dermal fillers is the kind of look you’re going for. If you opt for lip fillers, you’ll need to have a conversation with your dermatologist about how full you want them to look, whether or not you’re looking to correct unevenness, and more. The level of change you want to make in your appearance will influence how much filler you’ll need and how often you need to schedule recurring sessions with your dermatologist. This will also help determine what the best kind of filler for your needs is.
The Type of Filler Matters
Historically, collagen was widely used for injectable dermal fillers. That being said, it’s no longer commonly used. This is mainly because collagen doesn’t last very long, thus requiring frequent injections. In addition, collagen may cause allergic reactions in some patients. For this reason, hyaluronic fillers are now the most commonly used fillers for wrinkle treatment. One of the biggest benefits of hyaluronic fillers is that their thickness can be adjusted to achieve the desired aesthetic result. Not only that, but they last much longer than collagen fillers.
Pay Attention to Side Effects
As with any cosmetic dermatology service, some side effects can be expected. Unfortunately, with injectable dermal fillers, many people often mistake side effects for reactions. This is why it’s so important to understand what kind of side effects you can expect when you invest in dermal fillers. Swelling, redness, and light bruising are all common side effects of facial injections. These side effects are typically pretty mild and disappear anywhere from a few hours to a few days after your injection. If you do experience a reaction, it will typically occur immediately after your injection and may involve pain and itching at the injection site.
Understand That Different Injectable Fillers Will Last for Different Lengths of Time
Depending on a variety of factors, you’ll be treated with a specific kind of dermal filler. The most important thing to remember is that different fillers last for varying lengths of time. For example, if you’re treated with a collagen filler, you’ll likely need to return for another set of injections in about three months. If you have a skin sensitivity that doesn’t allow you to invest in collagen fillers or you don’t want to make injection appointments that often, this may not be the filler for you. Other injectable dermal fillers, like Restylane and Juvederm, can last up to six months. Twice-yearly dermal filler appointments may be more manageable for many patients. And if you really want long-term results, fillers like Vollure and Volbella can last anywhere from 12 to 18 months before you need another treatment.
Reducing the look of wrinkles with dermal fillers is an excellent treatment option. And with the help of our experienced dermatologists, we’ll have you paired up with the perfect dermal filler schedule for your needs. Set up your consultation with Island Dermatology today.