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What to Expect from Your Skin When You’re Expecting

When you’re expecting a child, it can be an exciting period of your life. Pregnancy comes with changes big and small, not excluding your skin. But what can you expect from your skin when you’re expecting? Read on to learn more.


Acne during pregnancy is surprisingly common. While it might feel like your skin has reverted to what it looked like in high school, the truth is that this is normal. During pregnancy, your hormone levels change enough that they can affect oil production in your skin and cause acne flare-ups. There is one key difference between adolescent acne and acne during pregnancy, though. The acne treatment you used effectively before your pregnancy may not be safe for you to use while pregnant. This is especially important to consider if your previous acne medication was one that you took orally. If you’re struggling with acne during your pregnancy, make sure you work with your dermatologist to develop a treatment program that’s safe for you to implement for the duration of your pregnancy.

Pigmentation Changes

Hyperpigmentation during pregnancy most typically occurs around the nipples, inner thighs, neck, stomach, and face. This is also usually the result of hormonal changes that occur throughout pregnancy. You may notice that the skin around your nipples and inner thighs darkens. In addition, you may develop patches of hyperpigmentation on your face and a dark line stretching from your pubic bone up to your navel. These changes, while they may be a little bit unsettling at first, are completely normal and, for the most part, fade back to normal over a period of several months post-childbirth. If you’re concerned about pigmentation changes in your skin during pregnancy, speak with your dermatologist who may be able to recommend a safe treatment to manage them.

Varicose Veins

During pregnancy, your uterus exerts greater pressure on multiple body systems and parts, especially in the lower body. One of the results of this is varicose veins. It’s also possible that hormonal changes may contribute to the development of varicose veins during pregnancy. While eliminating varicose veins during pregnancy may not be an option for safety reasons, it’s possible to manage varicose veins through the duration of your pregnancy safely with the help of your dermatologist. It’s also fairly common for varicose veins that develop during pregnancy to improve without medical intervention between three and 12 months post-childbirth.

Dry Skin

As your uterus expands throughout your pregnancy, the skin on your stomach will stretch and tighten. Unfortunately, this can contribute to uncomfortable dry skin rashes and itching later in your pregnancy. While moisturizing multiple times daily can help relieve this issue, it’s important to speak with your doctor if that doesn’t improve your symptoms. And if you’re concerned about dry skin becoming uncomfortable, speak with your dermatologist about heavier moisturizers that are safe to use during pregnancy.

If you’re at the beginning of a pregnancy and you have questions about safe skin care and what you can expect in terms of skin changes, contact Island Dermatology today. We want to help you feel confident in your skin throughout your pregnancy journey and beyond.

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